Identity & Legal Status

ELI GREEN GOLD FARM ENTERPRISE (EGGFE) was registered in Tanzania by BRELA on 23rd March, 2021. Its business registration number is 489004 and its Business License Number is B 4070689. It is a for-profit social enterprise with a social mission of alleviating poverty in Tanzania through manufacturing food products, especially cassava flour and empowering communities to engage in sustainable agriculture, forest and farmland restoration, and environmental protection. EGGFE is affiliated with Empowerment Linkage for Poverty Palliation (ELPP) a NGO that was registered in Tanzania on 15th January 2018 with no mandate to carry out business operations. EGGFE is recognized as a commercial or business wing of Empowerment Linkage for Poverty Palliation (ELPP) in Tanzania.

Our Vision

Adequate food produced, available, and accessible to all people to enhance household food and income security, a sustainable future for agriculture, food systems, people, and the planet

Our Vision

To help people living in poverty to achieve significant improvements in their lives through community empowerment to increase crop productivity and marketability as well as farmland and forest restoration initiatives.

Our Objectives

To engage in manufacturing food products, especially cassava flour processing and selling High-Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF) to target customers.

To support smallholder farmers to engage in Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) through planting drought-tolerant crops (especially cassava, cashew trees, sweet potatoes and sorghum).

To support smallholder farmers to engage in Sustainable Agriculture (SA) through agroforestry, environmental protection and reforestation of forests and farmland in Tanzania